School Garden Guides
Check out our library of handy resources to support you at every stage of your school garden journey!

School Gardens Handbook
This comprehensive guide covers everything you want to know: how to get your garden started all the way to keeping it thriving years down the line. Complete with definitions, detailed types of gardening, curricula library, and step-by-step worksheets.

A Year in the Life of a School Garden
This guide spells out what it entails to keep the school garden thriving throughout a whole year. Every month details what is expected to be done for the school garden, from the behind-the-scenes budget planning of a garden committee to garden tasks that students and adults can participate in. It also gives some great gardening tips that can be done with students.

Outdoor Learning Toolkit
The Outdoor Learning Toolkit, developed by GrowNYC and the National Wildlife Federation, with help from nonprofit partners citywide, is meant to help schools in the planning and implementation process. It details infrastructure options to teaching considerations and more.
Garden Bed Building Guides
There are lots of ways to grow an urban school garden! Traditional wooden raised beds are relatively easy to put together and can be any shape or size to suit your needs. Sub-irrigated stock tanks are another option that are great for increased longevity and less frequent watering. Check them out below!