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Teaching Garden Update August 20th

GrowNYC Education

Summer is winding down at the Teaching Garden, where summer camps have ended and school hasn't yet begun. We spend the end of August catching up on garden work, working with volunteer groups, focusing in on pest and disease control, and harvesting lots of delicious fruits and vegetables.

Last week, we had student gardeners visit and plant our next round of beans, water the garden, and create some beautiful nature collages.

We've had lots of rain, and almost all of the crops are loving it - the one exception is tomatoes. Did you ever see tomatoes 'split' like this? Tomatoes prefer nice even watering, so if they suddenly receive a lot of water, like in a heavy rainstorm, they can send too much water to their fruits causing them to burst open. These tomatoes are still delicious but they won't hold well in the kitchen - they are best eaten right off the plant!

And as usual we had a wonderful visit from BloomAgainBklyn to harvest from our flower garden

Last week we donated over 300 pounds of produce to Black Feminist Project, including the last of our potatoes and the first of our leeks!

And today we donated over 300 pounds of produce to Chilis on Wheels, including our first Pac Choi of the season!

Fall is in the air - we can't wait to see what's in store for the garden!

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Priscilla Crowell
Priscilla Crowell
Aug 22, 2021

I am an amateur recycling resident. It's hard to walk past something that be used again.. especially household items. Composting is one if my interest also.

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