Outdoor Classroom and School Garden Supplies
This is an evolving list of currently known DOE vendors that provide items related to furnishing and/or equipping an outdoor classroom/school garden and represents information shared with GrowNYC from NYC Department of Education staff. We’ve inputted the information available to us, but each school must work with their budget lead person to follow specific procurement procedures (for example, even if a company has a DOE vendor number, if they are not a contracted vendor, you’ll need to get multiple bids). If you know of an additional company that is a DOE vendor and provides equipment for school gardens/outdoor classrooms, please send an email schoolgardens@grownyc.org to share the information so we can add it to the list.
You can access the list in table form here.
GrowNYC School Gardens does not endorse any one company listed here. Companies listed here are for information sharing purposes only.
NYC Local Garden Centers, Nurseries, Lumber, & Hardware Stores
City Bees and Peas
DOE Vendor #: BLU173727
David Shannon Florist
Dykes Lumber Company
Non contracted
Feldman Lumber
DOE Vendor #: FEL02000
Contracted (for certain items)
Garden World & Keil Brothers
DOE Vendor #: GAR013000
Gerardi's Farmers Market & Nurseries
DOE Vendor #: GER659200
Non contracted
Gowanus Canal Conservancy Lowlands Nursery
DOE Vendor #: GOW681729
Non contracted
-Note: Before placing an order, school must email plants@gowanuscanalconservancy.org for list of current plants and price.
-Note: pick-up only/no deliveries"
Green Bronx Machine
Hydroponic towers
DOE Vendor #: GRE303493
Green Island Distributors, Inc (Long Island)
DOE Vendor #: GRE144638
Jamaica Hardware & Paints
Lisena Landscaping & Garden Center
DOE Vendor #: LIS078106
M&D Landscaping & Gardening
DOE Vendor #: MDN099000
Mensch Lumber
DOE Vendor #: MEN580814
DOE Vendor #: NAT131535
North Creek Nurseries (PA)
DOE Vendor #: NOR498244
Non contracted
Pleasant Run Nursery (NJ)
DOE Vendor #: PLE599305
Non contracted
SiteOne Landscape Supply
DOE Vendor #: SIT485550
Non contracted
Sprout by Design (Tri-State Area)
DOE Vendor #: SPR809789
Non contracted
Starkie Bros Home & Garden Showplace (Long Island)
DOE Vendor #: STA2900000
Van Nest Hardware
DOE Vendor #: VAN773341
Non contracted
National Brands
A.M. Leonard Tools & Supply Co.
DOE Vendor #: AML010000
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
DOE Vendor #: BAK041231
Bluestone Perennials
DOE Vendor #: BLU177450
Costco Wholesale Corp
DOE Vendor #: COS048000
DOE Vendor #: ENG37062
DOE Vendor #: FAS062000
Gardener's Supply Company
DOE Vendor #: 030289604
Hudson Valley Seed Company
(845) 204-8769
DOE Vendor #: HUD473309
Johnny Selected Seeds
DOE Vendor #: JOH332731
Kelvin Educational
*Solar, Electronics, Engineering focused supplies
DOE Vendor #: KEL025000
Landscape Forms
Outdoor furnishings
DOE Vendor #: LAN016000
Non contracted
Landscape Structures Inc
DOE Vendor #: LAN018000
School Outfitters LLC
DOE Vendor #: SCH140000
SiteOne Landscape Supply
Pete Napoli, Samantha Manno PNapoli@siteone.com; SManno@siteone.com
DOE Vendor #: SIT485550
Non contracted
Walter’s Gardens
DOE Vendor #: WAL903867
DOE Vendor #: ZOR596010
In-school Programming for Garden Education/Environmental Education Services
Beazer's Garden Workshops: https://beazersgardenworkshops.com/about-us/
Brooklyn Botanic Garden--Project Green Reach: https://www.bbg.org/learn/teachers_and_schools
City Bees and Peas: https://www.citybeesandpeas.com/
City Growers: https://citygrowers.org/virtual-learning/
City Parks Foundation: Seeds to Trees Program: https://cityparksfoundation.org/seeds-to-trees/
iDig2Learn: https://www.idig2learn.org/
Nature Based NY: https://naturebasedny.com/
Sprout by Design: https://www.sproutbydesign.com/
Teens for Food Justice: https://www.teensforfoodjustice.org/
Trees NY (tree education focused): https://treesny.org/
*Battery Urban Farm: https://www.thebattery.org/destinations/urban-farm/
*Genovesi Environmental Study Center: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/learning/student-journey/experiential-learning/genovesi-environmental-study-center
*Program is held off-site from school building